99 People Problems?

There’s not a people problem we can’t solve together.

The greatest challenge for leaders and managers is people.

But more specifically, staff.

People are always the greatest pain point for leaders and managers.

Sure, clients can be a pain in the ass.

And suppliers can be difficult. But staff are a whole other category.

Why? Because it’s hard to know how to respond to situations involving staff.

Everyone deserves to love where they work, with people they care about. And that means we need to invest in our relationships at work. People problems are so common, yet most leaders and managers struggle to know how to solve the problem. And that is often because they are solving the wrong problem.

Before people problems can be solved, you need to be certain you are solving the RIGHT problem.

We just need 99 minutes of your time and together we will solve your
one big people problem.

Investing 99 minutes to tackle your one biggest people problem is an investment you’ll
wonder why you didn’t make it sooner.

Love where you work
and who you work with.

Everyone deserves positive relationships at work. Even the most difficult relationships can be improved, but this requires guidance to learn the skills and knowledge required to attend to your relationship.

Tackle your biggest people problems will save you sleepless nights, unrelenting frustration and time spent trying to apply a superficial solution to a deeper problem.

Pick One.

To achieve the greatest impact, it starts with working out what your greatest problem is.

The most flawed approach to problem solving is choosing the wrong problem.

Whatever it is, your one greatest problem needs focus and clarity to design the right solution.

You are a:

  • Founder or business owner

  • Manager or leader

    Looking for:

  • a solution

  • a clear plan for action

  • support from an experienced leadership expert

Who is the 99/1 session designed for?

Are you struggling with a huge people problem?

If you are a leader or manager, you will have definitely encountered a big people problem at work.

The trouble is knowing how best to respond to the big, persistent problems you face in your business.

The first thing we will do is work out exactly what your biggest people problem is when to comes to working with teams. Then we will use our 99 minutes to solve that problem.

Learn more about the problems

  • Common issues include a lack of clarity, misunderstanding and not listening.

  • Includes low motivation, low morale and staff feeling uninspired.

  • Missed deadlines, mistakes and poor work quality are examples of this people problem.

People problems. 


People problems.  *

  1. Communication problems

  2. Performance and productivity

  3. Accountability and responsibility

  4. Motivation and engagement

  5. Work ethic and professionalism

6. Conflict

7. Skill gaps and development

8. Trust

9. Team dynamics

10. Adaptability and change management

Work out your biggest people problems

  • Signs include tension between colleagues, people feeling excluded, unhealthy competition between teams.

  • Lack of ownership, blame and excuses are examples of accountability issues.

  • Entitlement, poor boundaries and conduct issues are examples.

The Right Solution

No matter what industry you work in, the greatest challenge most leaders face is how to have positive relationships with the people you work with. 

Do you want to love where you work and who you work with?

Do you need to see an increase in motivation from staff?

Are you sick of being frustrated that your team can’t get along and collaborate?

Or maybe you are working in a hothouse of gossip and people are more concerned with talking about each other than working?

If you are stretched to your upper limits and have run out of strategies to change the people problems that keep you awake at night, invest 99 minutes and get to the root of the problem.

Together we will design an action plan for you to tackle the right problem with the best solution.

The session will be used to:

  • explore the specific challenges you are facing as a leader

  • understanding the context of your workplace

  • design a solution for implementation

  • help you go into the summer holidays with a clear head

Common Problems with Teams

  • Lack the skills required to do the job, or a resistance to learning.

  • Lack of cohesion, working alone rather than in a team, not sharing important information.

  • Signs include gossip, unreliability, or lack of sincerity.

Why 99 minutes?

This express session is designed for leaders and managers who are short on time but need to tackle one big people problem before Christmas shut down.

Rather than relying on the traditional 60-minute session framework, we use 99 minutes to:

  • identify your biggest people problem and the impact it is having on your business

  • drill down into the details of your current challenge

  • understand the background - how did you find yourself here?

  • what have you tried and why didn’t it work?

  • what would be the ideal outcome and what are you willing to do?

  • what barriers will prevent you from taking action?

  • setting down essential next steps to take action.

This 99-minute session is action packed and designed specifically for leaders ready to tackle their greatest people problem.

COST: $1,200.00 (+ GST)

Leadership Client

“The little things were highlighted to me as the most crucial and I learnt not to undermine their value.”

Small Business Owner.

“My time with you was such an investment and really cleared my head.

As a result I delved more into a refined business model, and put together a pitch deck sent it off to organisations everywhere!

I’m absolutely stoked and don’t believe I would have had the capacity to think and create this model if I hadn’t have engaged with you first.”

The process for solving your biggest people problem.

  1. Book your session here.

  2. Once your booking is set, you will receive an invoice for immediate payment. Your session is only confirmed once payment is received. The session is $1, 200.00 AUD.

  3. Additional follow up support will be provided to guide action taking.

  4. This investment requires action from you. If you are not ready to tackle your greatest people problem, this offer is not for you.

Meet Your Partner in Solving your
Number One People Problem

Dr Belinda Mawhinney

My approach to leadership consultancy draws on 25 years experience accrued working as a Social Worker, manager, strategic leader, and researcher (that’s the Dr bit) and roll this up into my consultancy practice.

This means I have an extensive range of skills and knowledge, combined with an approach that is adaptable, intuitive, direct, and supportive.

There isn’t a people problem I can’t fix.