Leadership workshops across regional Australia

“The most valuable part of the workshop was walking away with a sense of purpose and knowing where I want to be and how I can use the skills learned at the workshop to get there.”

— Participant, Emerging Leaders workshop (2023)

Learning leadership skills in a workshop environment with participants across industries.

Leaders encounter different challenges, depending on the stage of their leadership journey.

Investing in your leadership growth is critical to your development.

Choose the leadership workshop that best suits you.

Leadership Workshop Collection

Leadership Foundations

The Leadership Foundations workshop has been developed as a practical learning opportunity for people in leadership or managerial roles.

Rethink Leadership

Rethink Leadership is an interactive workshop with focus on learning practical skills to implement in your leadership.

"I was able to look at my own leadership style
and where I actually want to be.

The most valuable part of the workshop was knowing the phase that my team was in and the progress we need to make to move through to the next phase."

— Participant, Emerging Leaders Workshop (2022)

""I didn't expect to leave with a stronger sense of myself it was an unexpected and extraordinarily welcome surprise. 

It has resulted in an increased self-awareness in my acts of leadership."

— Participant, Leadership Workshop (2023).

Not sure which workshop to attend? Let’s talk.