
Rethink-ing is a collection of short articles focused on sharing an idea.

The ideas are inspired by concepts I work through with clients and are shared in ways that will lead you to rethink about leadership, management or workplace culture.

Belinda Mawhinney Belinda Mawhinney

Finding trust again (case study)

The following case study is based on a real leadership team so some of the details have been slightly altered and deliberately vague to preserve client confidentiality.

A few years ago, I was asked to work with a leadership team at a State government agency. C-suite executives had launched a capacity building initiative to be rolled out across the State. The model involved delivering 12 monthly sessions of group coaching to improve the capacity of the leadership team to support their staff with the roll out. But I quickly realised the situation was a complex case of broken trust and damaged relationships that went far deeper than I initially thought.

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Belinda Mawhinney Belinda Mawhinney

Mastering the art of responding to conflict

Have you ever managed conflict between two colleagues? The tension and friction can be perplexing, and its consequences can ripple through the entire workplace. The truth is many people find themselves uncertain about the best way to respond when confronted with conflict. Even managers, who bear the responsibility of addressing and resolving conflicts between team members, often grapple with their own doubts and uncertainties.

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Belinda Mawhinney Belinda Mawhinney

When values don't align

Have you noticed there is a growing trend for organisations to share their core values? You may see values such as family, collaboration, or integrity feature on organisation’s websites and marketing material. This growing trend is one I support. However, when the values of an employee do not align with the organisational values, this can be problematic.

In this two-part Insight, I will first explore why it is important for organisations to identify core values and how organisations are sometimes missing the mark. In part two, I outline how to respond from an organisational and individual perspective when values don’t align.

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Belinda Mawhinney Belinda Mawhinney

Quality Professional Development?

Do you find it difficult to track down quality professional development that meets your needs? Sometimes I have hit the mark and continue to reap the benefits of investing in quality professional development and other times I am left feeling disappointed at best.

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In The Media

Company: Dr Belinda Mahwinney: a champion of co-working in a small regional towns on Apple Podcasts

A Friend of Mine by OAK Magazine: International Women's Day Series - Mentorship and support with Belinda Mawhinney